Our booking tool offers the option, to every user, to offset CO2 emissions. You can select this option in every flight through its booking process, quick and easy.
What is your carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions.
How we calculate the carbon footprint of a flight?
- First we calculate the distance between the two airports, to give us the amount of kerosene the plane needs for the journey.
- Next we add an extra 1.1 tons of kerosene to account for take off, landing and taxiing to and from the runway.
- 3.1kg of CO2 is created for every 1kg of fuel used. So we multiply the fuel mass above by 3.1 to estimate the CO2 emitted.
- Finally we divide this amount by the average number of passengers for that type of flight to work out your personal contribution.
When can you offset carbon for a flight?
Partnered with GOClimate, now every user will get informed about the CO2 emissions of the selected flight and with a push of a button he/she can contribute on slowing down climate change.

Where is my confirmation email?
At the end of every month after completion of the booking process, you will receive a confirmation email about your contribution. If you cannot find your email, first check your junk/spam folder. If you definitely cannot find your mail contact us!